Books & Chapters



Carlson, S.E., Cheatham, C.L., Colombo, J., Carlson, S.E. (2017).  Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the developing brain.  In Polin, Abman, Rowitch, Benitz, & Fox (Eds.),  Fetal and Neonatal Physiology, 5th Ed. (pp. 380-389), Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.





Cheatham, C.L., Colombo, J., Carlson, S.E. (2011). Long-chain fatty acids in the developing retina and brain.  In Polin, Fox, & Abman (Eds.), Fetal and Neonatal Physiology (pp 497-508), Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.




Advances in ChildDevVol38


Cheatham, C.L., Larkina, M., Bauer, P.J., Toth, S., Cicchetti, D. (2010).  Declarative memory in abused and neglected infants.  In P.J. Bauer (Ed.),  Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 38 - Varieties  of Early Experience: Implications for the Development of Declarative Memory in Infancy (pp 161-182). London, U.K.: Elsevier.



Advances in ChildDevVol38


Cheatham, C.L., Sesma, H.W., & Georgieff, M.K. (2010).  The development of declarative memory in infants born preterm.  In P.J. Bauer (Ed.), Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 38 - Varieties  of Early Experience: Implications for the Development of Declarative Memory in Infancy (pp 111-135). London, U.K.: Elsevier.



Advances in ChildDevVol34


Colombo, J. & Cheatham, C.L. (2006). The emergence and basis of endogenous attention in infancy and early childhood.  In R. Kail (Ed.),  Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 34 (pp 283-322). Oxford: Academic Press.  DOI:  10.1016/S0065-2407(06)80010-8.



Advances in PsychResVol9


Bauer, P.J., Cheatham, C.L., Strand Cary, m., Van Abbema, D. (2002).  Short-term forgetting: Charting its course and its implications for long-term remembering.  In S.P. Shohov (Ed.).  Advances in Psychology Research.  Volume 9, (pp 53-74).  Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers [Reprinted in S.P. Shohov (Ed.), Perspectives on Cognitive Psychology (pp 93-112). Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers]